YouTube’s advertising revenues grew by 12.5% year-on-year in Q3 2023, according to parent company Alphabet. This growth comes after a period of decline, and is a sign that YouTube is still a major player in the online advertising market.

One of the key drivers of YouTube’s ad revenue growth is the rise of YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts are short-form videos that are up to 60 seconds long. They were launched in 2020, and have quickly become one of the most popular features on YouTube.

YouTube Shorts are popular with advertisers because they are a highly engaging format. They are also a good way to reach younger viewers, who are increasingly spending their time on mobile devices.

In addition to YouTube Shorts, YouTube is also investing in other ways to make its platform more attractive to advertisers. For example, YouTube is developing new ad formats, and is making it easier for advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.

YouTube’s ad revenue growth is good news for both YouTube and its creators. YouTube creators rely on ad revenue to make a living, so the more ad revenue that YouTube generates, the more money that creators can earn.

Overall, YouTube’s ad revenue growth in Q3 2023 is a positive sign for the platform. It shows that YouTube is still a major player in the online advertising market, and that it is investing in ways to make its platform more attractive to advertisers.